Today will not be a Time Warp. Today will be a full-blown rant. Ms. Frizzle posted my grades for the week and I am livid. I got 2 out of 2 on the quiz that I completely BS'd on (and didn't study for) and 1 out of 1 for team participation, but my individual paper and individual participation were docked 1 point each.
The paper's topic was on Juvenile Crime Causation and Diversion. Specifically, we were to compare two diversion programs in our city or state and answer a series of questions about each in the form of a research paper. I nailed that shit. I ran it through the systems the university provides (plagiarism checker, grammar, and writing excellence) and all came back with A+ results. I may write this blog in the tone of "an urban liberal" (thanks PolitiJim) but I write a mean research paper/essay. And I have never gotten anything less than full credit on a paper that I didn't half-ass. Even on the one's I have half-assed got either full credit or only one point deducted.
Until this week. 9 out of 10 on a paper that I can confidently say I hit out of the park. I had references from our text book, the State of Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and even an analysis of the state's recent financial support of local diversion programs. It was top quality work. But Ms. Frizzle (who stated she doesn't care about grammar and is usually wrong about it in week one) marked me down for corrections that she deemed appropriate. Like the spelling of "corrections" which she feels only has one R. Yep. She also added this at the bottom:
"Abstract included, thank you. Paper is well written, but it lacks some details required by the assignment. Key participants of each program are not well discussed. Other objectives required by this paper are observed in your paper. Continue to challenge yourself on your assignments. 9/10"
The key participants are juveniles who are placed in diversion programs instead of being committed to the state. That's what the whole paper is about. How is that not clear? I even delved into how one program was for juveniles who are being given a last chance before adult jail and the other focuses on juveniles with substance abuse problems and mental health issues. Those are the key participants, so how is that not covered? And challenging myself? Isn't it her job to challenge me? She's not doing a very good job because I wrote that paper in less than 2 hours and still got a 9. Not exactly a challenge.
Fine. Whatever. I can suck it up and take my 9. What I cannot take is the 4 out of 5 for participation. Here's what she had to say:
"Thank you for your attendance. I challenge you to become more involved in class discussions. Value your opinion. Verbal skills are essential in the criminal justice field."
Without me, there wouldn't be a class discussion. Juarez Teenager Female and Blond Sonja don't speak, neither does Fat Alberto's other team member. Seriously, not one word. Typhoid Maria says maybe 3 words and Fat Alberto and the other team only speak to piggy back on what I say. Without me (and Katniss) the entire class would sit in silence as Ms. Frizzle rambled on and on about her Prius, her children, or how she's about to retire. My verbal skills are a lot like my written communication skills...on point and bad ass.
I know, I know. Defensive much? But here's the thing, this woman has the worst verbal communication skills of any instructor I have had. Worse than J-JO and his attempts at stand-up comedy. She has yet to speak a sentence that comes from a completely formed thought and we haven't covered even 1/5 of the course material because of her babbling. But I need to participate more. She needs to seriously examine her teaching and grading methods because girlfriend is whack.
It's only 2 points. I need to let it go. So I'll get a 98/100. Most people would be very satisfied about that grade. I think I would be satisfied with it as well, if it was the grade I had earned. I deserve full credit for both. I deserve an instructor who knows the difference between "It's" and "Its" and how to spell "corrections" but right now I'll settle for full-credit. I'll be drafting a well written email to Ms. Frizzle and I'll let you all know how that went come Thursday.
See you tomorrow for What in the World?! Wednesday.
Holy cow, what a witch... You are an amazing student. I loved coming by, hanging with you is easy! Love that little one too, she is my BFF. ;)
These rants make my day.
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