Monday, July 9, 2012


Welcome back everyone, hope your weekend was wonderful. Mine was okay. Long, but okay.

Little Bug had her T-Ball game on Saturday. Hubby and I are her coaches and we struggle to wrangle all the little demons children and also enjoy our child playing. I haven't gotten on picture of her at bat or on base yet because I'm too busy preventing a Lord of the Flies-esque meltdown in the dugout. Saturday was really hot and humid too, which made for crankier than usual children and parents. We've only got one more game (thank you Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Allah, Xenu and Joseph Smith for that!) and then we get a nice break from all things organized sports. 

Sunday wasn't too bad. Picked up a pal from the airport and then had Panda Express for lunch. I know, fast Asian food is never a good thing, but it was yummy. Then I got to hang with my gal C. We went and saw Magic Mike. Woo hoo, right? Wrong. It. Was. Awful. And no cock. None. For those who have seen it, the penis pump scene does not count. C and I went to Applebee's for drinks and snacks after and while the booze helped, it did not make us forget that the movie sucked the balls it did not show.

Anyway, on to my must haves. This first one, I have been lusting after for some time. TOMS is finally making cute flats and I love them all! TOMS is a shoe company that gives a pair of shoes to a child who does not have them when you purchase a pair for yourself. It's a fantastic concept and Little Bug rocks the cutest pair of boat shoe inspired TOMS. These ones currently have my heart fluttering:

They're a bit pricey at $79, but I do love them. I haven't seen them in stores so I'm not sure how they'll fit, I think I'll just have to order and figure it out. They have tons of other options though, so please buy and help a kid in need!

This next one is a little different. Recently, the fam and I decided it was time to return to our roots...and reactivate our Netflix account. I thought I wouldn't miss it when I deactivated and I was wrong. Hulu Plus only gives me current TV, the movies are crap. But Netflix has past seasons of everything and the movie choices aren't as bad as they could be. Plus, it entertains Little Bug from my/her iPhone when I need it too.

If you got rid of it, try it again. If you never had it, do the free-trial. It's only $7.99 a month for unlimited streaming. They even have a huge kids selection.

I found this next must have on Pinterest and use it almost every day. It was created by a wonderful blogger named Abby from My Yellow Sandbox. Her blog is full of wonderful stuff, but the Burning Mask, as she has come to call it, is my new favorite beauty trick!

Natural face mask: nutmeg (anti-inflammatory), cinnamon (anti-fungal, astringent, anti-viral), honey (antiseptic) and lemon (fades acne scars and age spots). It looks disgusting, but it is amazing. The burn isn't really a burn, more of a deep clean feeling. 

Lately, everywhere I look, I feel like I am being bombarded by chevron stripes. At first, I wasn't a big fan, but I saw a few well incorporated pieced on Etsy.

This Chartreuse Green and White Chevron Pattern Table Runner is only $17 and adds a subtle but refreshing pop to any table.

Or this White and Gray Chevron RB Light Switch Cover Switchplate for only $6. How cute would these be in a living room with gray accents? 

This is some of the coolest wall art I have ever seen. I love the color and I love how this would look in my dream living room even more. Only $55 (frames not included).

And because I LOVE a pretty iPhone case, this 1980 vintage blue chevron pattern on white wood print is just begging me to buy it. It looks purple to me, but the shop owner has a bunch of other vintage styled cases. Only $14.99!

Last one for this Monday. The Summer Olympics are almost upon us. I am super pumped to root for Team USA and this shirt should definitely show that off!

Only $24.95 to rep for the home team! There is a ton of other gear for the whole family, too. 

See you all tomorrow!


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