Monday, September 3, 2012

The Sound of Silence

Today is Labor Day, so to all of you working American citizens (and ones who may not be working, but have before) Happy Labor Day. Enjoy the time off (if you get it) or the holiday pay you receive.

For those of you military members and their wives who have the ass-galling nerve to clog up my FB news feed with bitches, gripes, and complaints about how the military are not appreciated enough on Labor Day, I say suck a dick. Too harsh? Let me elaborate.

I am a veteran. My husband is a veteran. My father is a veteran, as are some of my cousins and uncles. My baby sis is still serving and some of my dear friends are as well. Do I thank them (or myself) every single day for their service? No, because they don't (and we didn't) do it for the recognition. We did it because it was a full-time job, we would get college paid for, we needed health-care, and yes, because we love our country, but let's not make this more than it is. We joined a volunteer military (except my Pops) and though we had to sacrifice time with our loved ones, we got paid to do it. Sure, military pay isn't the best, but what other job pays for your health care, house, utilities, dependents and even your food? Add all of that up and it's much more than a civilian gets.

I digress. There is a day to honor the veterans of the American Armed Forces. It's called Veteran's Day. You get a free meal at practically every restaurant in town, people shake your hand and tell you thank you, and random acquaintances tell you on FB how proud they are of you. I can't stand it, personally. I know people want to seem like they appreciate the military but it feels so flat and forced. I didn't join for free shit and praise. The only time I do not cringe when someone says "Thank you for your service" is when it comes from older vets. I'm talking 'Nam and prior to that. I do my best not to cry as I return the thank you.

It seems that my generation of vets forgets that Veteran's Day exists. Every holiday, my news feed is now littered with some fly boy or squid or jar head (rarely though) or grunt bitching about how they aren't appreciated on Easter, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, etc. I had ONE Thanksgiving off my entire enlistment, ONE Christmas, NO Easters...I stood on a gate and politely smiled as people said "Oh, you gotta work on Christmas? That sucks." You know what would suck more? Not having a job to provide for my family.

What really infuriates me are these members and their wives bitching about Memorial Day. It isn't about them and it certainly isn't right to say "Happy Memorial Day." What are we supposed to be happy about? It's a day to recognize and honor the men and women who have given their life for this country. It isn't just a four-day weekend and a boozy BBQ. No one should "honor" your husband on Memorial Day....he's still fucking breathing!

But today is Labor Day. A holiday that honors and recognizes the contributions the ENTIRE American workforce has made to the country, not just those who wear camo. All you are doing is causing the American people to detest the military even more. You sound like spoiled, entitled brats. You don't think you get enough recognition? Then don't re-enlist because that is NEVER going to change. All the bumper-stickers and window clings in the world aren't going to change that. You voluntarily signed up for a job that may or may not put you in harms way. So did cops, firefighters, construction workers, ice road truckers, commercial fisherman, and miners but they don't claim every holiday as their own.

You can argue that you're willing to lay down your life for this country and that deserves more respect and that may be true. But anyone who works is keeping the American economy going and in these uncertain financial times, THAT deserves respect too. They don't have the security of the US Government, they don't have the health care and the guaranteed place to live. They go to work every day and work their asses off (just like you) and provide for their families. They deserve recognition just like you, the difference is is that they don't demand it.

Grow the fuck up. For those of you vets who DON'T behave that way, thank you for your service, your work ethic, and your attitude. I appreciate it.


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