Can I just tell you how rockin’ my drive to school was
tonight? Spotify was definitely on point tonight. Especially when “You’re Gonna
Go For Kid” came on. People may have stared, but I sang and rocked out all the
way into New Mexico.
Maybe if I had put that much energy in to getting my shit
together as I left the house, I wouldn’t have left my note cards at home. I had
to spend all my pre-class time handwriting new ones and listening to Fat
Alberto and Typhoid Maria talk shit about me in Spanish. They don’t even try to
hide it anymore.
The Deputy came in as I was feverishly writing and said “Oh
Tiffany’s gonna kill it tonight, huh?” I ignored him and kept writing. He
didn’t take the hint and repeated it. Juarez Teenager Female had just come in
and she tapped me and said that he was saying something to me. I begrudgingly
looked up and asked him to repeat himself as if I had not heard him. “I was
just saying that you’re gonna kill it tonight, right? You’re gonna have the
best presentation. You always do.” I smirked and said “Well, it’s a team
presentation, so I am only as strong as my weakest link.” He said, “Oh, yeah,
that’s nice.” That was meant to be an insult; maybe I’m losing my touch.
I didn’t have time to study for the quiz before class, what
with all the note cards. Ms. Frizzle left the classroom and Katniss and I
basically discussed the answers. Who needs to study when it’s so easy to work
as a team? Isn’t that what University of Fictitious Bird wants us to do?
The Deputy has already announced that his group will go
first. He said they might as well because they don’t know what the hell they’re
talking about anyway. Peircy Pauly made the presentation and then didn’t come
tonight. I guess they want the teacher to know they did nothing and didn’t
prepare. Not like Ms. Frizzle would know the difference anyway.
Boy is this a bad one. You can’t see the text because it
blends in with the photos that they used to make the background. We’re supposed
to pretend we are a special committee presenting to the state legislature our
recommendations for the juvenile justice system and it’s future. Except he just
spent five minutes talking about teaching kids to use guns. For the next
portion, he said “This was PP’s part and she’s not here and she was supposed to
do law enforcement.” He then proceeded to read her portion word for word off of
the slide and then stated the same thing in his own words.

We had offered to go second but Typhoid Maria said “NO! We are going second.” Going second won’t
make your shit better. They started off with an idea bubble of sorts. The
center said “Youth Juveniles” and then all this random shit spurred out of it.
She said that those are the many things involved with juveniles in a community.
One bubble said “Psychedelics.” No explanation. Those are some hardcore
communities. Her voice keeps raising to a shout every other sentence. It’s very
jarring. She had some of the audience read her slide and she also has note
cards. Honey, copying my swagger isn’t going to get you an A. I don’t read from
my cards verbatim, I use them as an aid if and when I need them. And her cards
weren’t speaker’s notes. They were exactly what the slides said. She’s got them
glued to her the front of her face. When she finished her portion, she looked
at me with this smug smile. Yeah, you nailed it. I’m super intimidated.
Moobs went next. That’s their other team member’s official
blog name. He has man boobs and they are perky. Thanks for the name Katniss. He
talked about how kids are violent to cops. I didn’t comprehend anything he
said. But Fat Alberto is up and I cannot type fast enough! He said that kids,
you know, do things, you know? He talked about kids getting shackled and needing
to be nicer. The slide said “Proposal: Easy sentencesing for 1st
time offenders, even for felony or violent crimes.” I’m ignoring the spelling
and going full force into the last portion. Violent offenders should get easier
sentences…or sentencesing? Wow. I hope they make you their victim next.
During break, Katniss and I had a long convo with Moobs
about how his group works. I needed an insiders take on the mind of Fat
Alberto. It was very enlightening. He said Fat Alberto dolls out the work, but
only does one paragraph himself. Then he puts it together without showing
anyone the final result. Moobs said Fat Alberto tries to boss everyone around
because he’s a security guard. Yep. That makes him the authority.

After we sat down, Ms. Frizzle said “Very good job!” then
paused, and added “…for everyone else too.” That just made TM even more
furious. Her scowl got tighter and her eyes screamed “KILL THEM!”
We have to go over the topics for tonight’s class, though
she said she’d be brief. Which means we will be here until 9:45. We talked
about gangs and I told them about how gangs are using the military to get
tactical training and for recruitment. I gave an example of a man who was beat
to death in Germany, whilst getting jumped in. The gang originated here at Ft.
Bliss. That’s all Fat Alberto needed to decide he was an expert. Except, he
just repeated my opinion plus some you knows. Even The Deputy had to jump in
and echo my military gang knowledge. I guess they sat in the same flight intel
briefings I did. I don’t remember seeing them around the squadron in Germany,
but they say they know so they must. Here I was thinking I added to the conversation,
but alas, I just told them what they already knew.

Doppelganger Housewife/Mother of the Year had to add her two
cents. Her son picked up his friends in his car, but they had just gotten done
tagging a wall. The cops busted them and her son was guilty by association. She
said “I knew my kid didn’t do it because I always told him, you want to do that
shit, here’s some paper and crayons. And they knew.” She has a solution to every
juvenile delinquency problem, this one just happens to be coloring. Maybe she can solve the problems in the Middle East next? I'll ask.

Next week I have a brand new class with these folks and also
an online course. Intro to Film. My first assignment is 300 words on why I like
movies. Little Bug is going to write it for me.
See you tomorrow!
Don't act like you don't see it.
Not the mama!
LMAO!!!! LOVE the photos. I am loving it. LOVING it.
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