Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Waiting on the World to Change

While I prefer the more grandiose titles of "Stay at Home Mother" and "Full-Time Student", the reality is this: I am unemployed. Isn't that the title placed on those who have sought out employment and have still cannot find any? Yes, I think it is. I am either not fluent enough in the Spanish language to get a job in the Sun City, or grossly over-qualified for the positions I am applying for. Needless to say, this leaves me plenty of time to keep up with world events and politics.

I am a registered republican, though towing the party line is not a strong suit of mine. I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially moderate to liberal. I don't care who you screw, God is whomever you want it to be, don't tell me what to do with my body. etc. Not the usual GOP stand point but I am not the religious right, nor do I appreciate their hijacking of the Republican party. I strive to be a Barry Goldwater Republican, a man who famously said "I think every good Christian ought to kick (Jerry) Falwell in the ass." Senator Goldwater had the good sense to know that the religious right had no place dictating to the rest of our country how we should live. If only our current party leaders thought the same.

If you're a Christian, good on ya. I do not believe in attacking you the way the far left has done. You have the right to believe gay is not the way, abortion should be illegal, and that prayer should be allowed in school. But I challenge you to examine the life you are living and decide if that life is what a Christian should be living? Are you a witness to your faith? Would someone look at you and see love and tolerance? Or would they see hypocritical behavior and condemnation? Until you're living your life to the perfection that's laid out in the Good Book, who are you to judge others?

The same tolerance Christians want others to show them, is not shown by most Christians. Jesus said love others as I have loved you. He didn't say don't love the gays, whores, junkies, and lefties because they don't think the same as you. What's the adage? Don't judge me because I sin differently than you. And riddle me this, how is gay marriage more damaging to the family unit than a 51% divorce rate amongst straight marriage? Hmmm.

Don't get me wrong, the far left is as bad as the religious right. The attacks on the morality of others are intense and extreme. Just go on Huffington Post sometime and look at the comments. Anyone who does not tow the liberal line is all but crucified. I personally have been called a whore, cunt, slut, tramp, racist, bigot, cum dumpster, baby killer all in one post because I had the nerve to say that I thought President Obama needed to take a tougher stance on immigration. My exact words were "As a citizen living in a border town, I would like to see President Obama take a tougher stance on immigration" in answer to a post about what people really want from our president. Clearly from my post I must be a "racist slut bag who sucks Bush's cock" and I need to get my "fat fucking kyke nose out of Obama's business, bitch." One man, who's profile listed him as a Democratic Strategist (in his mom's basement) said I better shut the fuck up before I get my throat slit. Classy, right?

What if these remarks were made by the far right toward a liberal woman? Outrage would flow from the keyboards of liberal blogger and pour into the mainstream media with a quickness. I reported the comments to FB and Huffington Post and nothing was done. The posts were not removed and I never got a response. I don't want to assume that it's because I disagree with the President, but one has to wonder. Liberal women are praised when they speak their mind, while conservative women are called names by the likes of Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann. President Obama called Sandra Fluke to apologize for Rush Limbaugh calling her a slut, but no call was made to Sarah Palin when Maher called her a cunt. I'm not defending what Limbaugh did, he's a pompous slob that doesn't speak for me, but how is what he did different from Maher?

President Obama said he apologized to show his daughters and all women that they should not be attacked or called names because they are being good citizens (presumably testifying before congress means being a good citizen). Does that mean Sarah Palin is not a good citizen and deserves to be called a cunt? I am not pro-Palin by any means, but because she is a conservative female who had the ass-galling nerve to have an opinion that doesn't lie up with the liberal left, she's been vilified and attacked over and over again.

Let's talk about attacks some more. If a person has the audacity to disagree with President Obama, that person is immediately labeled a racist. Don't like Obamacare? You might as well have called the man a n***** while wearing a Klan robe. Instead of accepting that people on both sides of the isle have a difference of opinion and fundamental beliefs, the left has vilified any person who disagrees with President Obama to the point that Republicans can't say anything without the racist label being attached. And Republicans have allowed their White Guilt to kick in and control the way they present themselves and express their opinions. I am not apologetic for being a Republican, nor will I be apologetic for being white. I don't have White Guilt, I didn't enslave or persecute or deny anyone's rights. Am I sorry that happened? Absolutely. But will I forever hang my head in shame for the sins of others? Nope. I'm not going to jump on the Obama bandwagon to avoid a label.

Why does it have to be so nasty? I know that that question seems ridiculous coming form me (shit, fuck, cunt, bitch, etc.), but really, isn't it that simple? If I don't agree with you about politics, do you really think I should die because of it? Am I a whore because I think birth control is a-OK? Should I get back in the kitchen instead of speaking my mind because I don't think Jesus is the only way? Do I really suck Bush's cock because I'm some brainwashed GOP cunt?

Think about it. Would you want some grown man talking to your daughter that way? Your mother? Your sister? Your wife? Be you left or right, can't you express your opinion without resorting to threats and vile names? Don't get me wrong, I love a good comeback, a witty retort. But "shut the fuck up before some one goes reverse Zimmerman on you" isn't witty. It's a death threat. Americans are up in arms about the bullying situation in our children's schools but we ignore the bullying that goes on between the adults. Where do you think they learn it from?

I realize that there may never be civility in politics. I realize both sides have the crazies. I know that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck don't speak for me, just like I know Al Sharpton and Bill Maher don't speak for every liberal. But why don't other people seem to get that? Stop letting others speak for you and start speaking for your damn self. If more people would, there would be more civility in politics.

Just my two cents, take it or leave it, but I firmly believe everyone could use a little change.


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